by SoBeTRoLL » Thu May 29, 2014 12:12 pm
I don't see how other operating systems are going to be encrypted now. It's not like bitlocker is on every version of Windows 7, or even available for alternative operating systems. I'm not a fan, it feels like a copout "well they have bitlocker now, guess my work is done". No, it's still a viable system of encryption that you developed, that people use. I don't like the idea of using proprietary unknown software to encrypt my systems. I want to have something that is NOT made by Microsoft simply for the fact that I have no idea if Microsoft has installed a backdoor into their encryption software. Obviously we can tell with a program like Truecrypt because its open source, the code is there for everyone to see, but when you have giant corporations like Microsoft giving you an encryption program that you CAN'T see the code for, I'm immediately hesitant to use it at all.