by SoBeTRoLL » Mon Feb 24, 2014 6:16 pm
For the several weeks, there have been SEVERE DDOS attacks against the Riot Servers. They've had to go down multiple times and disable Queues and everytime they think things are balancing out, they get hit again. The last three days, every day, they have gotten hit. Now, I don't know what can be done about it, or if there is anything that the public can do to stop it, but I gotta say, it has severely pissed me off.
I own every champ, I've played since 2009, and I know more about that game that most people. It is by far one of my favorite video games to play, and right now I'm watching it crash and burn before my eyes, and theres nothing I can do to stop it. So, if there are people out there that are network administrators, IT Managers, IT Specialists, or even just general White Hat Hackers out there with solutions to large data centers being the target of a DDOS attack, please, help them out.
I have nothing against the ability to protest something with a DDOS attack as a form of protest, but constantly taking down one of the largest gaming servers over and over again with no real reason, is not protest, it is an attack on a corporate business structure and could very well do damage overall to how video games are played online.