Why I Won't Buy or Promote Apple Products

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Why I Won't Buy or Promote Apple Products

Postby SoBeTRoLL » Fri May 09, 2014 6:58 am

First, lets give you the story as I read it, http://www.dailytech.com/Foxconn+Instal ... e18877.htm

Yes, in response to employees killing themselves by jumping off of buildings, Apples biggest move to stop this from happening was installing nets. Not massive improvements to their work areas, but nets. I strongly disagree with this strategy, especially with a company like Foxconn that even allowed a worker to Die from Exhaustion. After I heard about this going on in their Chinese factory, literally the largest factory they use, I decided, from here on out, that any company that would still use a factory like Foxconn after these facts, doesn't deserve my business. I've stayed away from purchasing Apple products, and tell everyone I know to not buy Apple products. Maybe I'm wrong, but its how I feel, and the morality of a company makes a difference in how I choose to use my wallet.
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