Microsoft Said To Be Considering A Free Version Of Windows 8

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Re: Microsoft Said To Be Considering A Free Version Of Windo

Postby d31373 » Fri Feb 28, 2014 11:17 am

This would be a great idea if done well. I believe that Microsoft should make Windows 8.1 Free for download but would be extremely limited. Some of the limitations should be stripping the Windows 8.1 Free version of any and all Desktop features. If this was offered as gratis people would WANT to focus development of Modern UI applications. This would push software makers to make games and alike that were Windows Start Screen compatible. This could boost adoption of more Microsoft Software. For a home-brew desktop playing full-screen games and apps, would help to shut down adoption of alternative Operating Systems. Later, they could add functionality to add desktop and additional features exclusive to paid versions of Windows 8.1 through a feature installation.
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Re: Microsoft Said To Be Considering A Free Version Of Windo

Postby SoBeTRoLL » Fri Feb 28, 2014 11:25 am

Thats not a bad idea, I just like the idea of the Metro features finally getting some decent support from a stronger community. Making a free no-desktop version of Microsoft 8.1 would definitely push the envelope on developers to work with these new features. It's definitely a smart move to do this on Microsoft's part, they are currently being crushed in the mobile OS by Android and Mac now that both are releasing their OS's for free for end users.
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Re: Microsoft Said To Be Considering A Free Version Of Windo

Postby d31373 » Fri Feb 28, 2014 2:23 pm

I'm not a huge Microsoft fan but if they were to push this through, I'm certain they would gain many would-be Linux converts.

Recently in a reddit post, a self-proclaimed Microsoft Windows UX designer/programmer stated that the Modern UI was designed for the "casual user" and that "power users" still had their old play ground: the desktop.

If that is true, power users would never buy $200 laptops that are set to compete with chromebooks in the first place, but casual users would. Most users buy computers not knowing what they are getting anyway. They would buy, realize the limitations and then sprint for an "upgrade" license that would unlock the desktop features they're used to.
Posts: 175
Joined: Wed Jan 15, 2014 10:51 pm

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