by d31373 » Tue Mar 25, 2014 3:26 pm
I love Android, but hate Chrome and Chromebooks. Overall I nominally consider Android and ChromeOS to be Linux. Yes, they use the Linux kernel which entitles them to the name Linux. But that's like saying that every piece of code used to run or operate another software is the root software. If I make an instant messenger based on AIM is my Messenger then AIM? Chromebooks are a bastardization of everything that Linux stands for. "Lets run everything in a browser..." Sounds WONDERFUL!
Linux is more than the Linux kernel. Google has been crowned as king even thought other companies have pushed for advancements that put Google in a position to take the throne. Red Hat, Canonical, Novell, and probably even Microsoft have done more to help Linux gain significant acceptance. I don't care how much Google has contributed.
On a positive note, I'm glad to see TechRepublic finally removed the